March 5: “A New Perspective on Suffering” (Job 36:5-15)

When Job’s friends stop answering Job, a new character called Elihu gives a long speech. What does Elihu contribute to their discussion? Though he is younger, he provides a new perspective on Job’s suffering. Elihu thinks that God allows suffering for the righteous not to punish them but to deliver them from destruction. God speaks […]

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February 26: “Job & His Friends: Wrestling with Suffering” (Job 16:9-21 & 19:23-27)

Three of Job’s friends come to comfort Job in his suffering. But all three of them think that Job is suffering because of his sin. Their reasoning is simple: God sends calamities upon the wicked only. You have suffered calamity, therefore you must be wicked. But Job insists upon his innocence. As he talks with […]

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February 19: “Job: Worshipping in Suffering” (Job 1)

Both Jews and Christians believe that Yahweh is Almighty and good. The problem of suffering poses a unique challenge to our faith in the God of Israel. If God is all-powerful and good, why does God allow so much suffering in the world? But the book of Job frames the question in a different way: […]

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