March 24 – Palm Sunday: “Choose the Path of Life!” (Matthew 7:13-27)

At the conclusion of his sermon, Jesus presents us with two choices. We have to choose between the broad way and the narrow way, following a false prophet and a true prophet, being a false disciple and a true disciple, building our lives on the rock or on sand. One choice will lead to destruction, […]

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March 17: “The Golden Rule for Personal Relationships” (Matthew 7:1-12)

Matthew 7 appears to be a series of unrelated paragraphs, but there is a connecting thread: personal relationships. We are not to judge others. Before we condemn others, we are to examine our own sins first. But Jesus is not asking us to suspend all judgments. For church discipline, Christians have to exercise judgment. Jesus’ […]

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March 10: “The Priorities of a Kingdom Colony” (Matthew 6:19-34)

The Sermon on the Mount describes what a human community looks like when they come under the gracious rule of God. A kingdom colony does not take cues from the world, but from God, proving that they are God’s children. The priorities of a kingdom community are different from those of this world. God’s children […]

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March 3: “For the Audience of One” (Matthew 6:1-18)

Jesus tells his followers not to perform righteous acts to be seen by others. We are to seek the approval of our heavenly Father, not the approval of others. Philosophers like Kant urged people to do good for its own sake, without seeking rewards. But Jesus knows the human heart. Jesus tells us we should […]

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