March 17: “Kingdom Economics” (Matthew 6:19-24)

How can you lay up treasures in God’s Kingdom? Jesus says that we need a single vision. Our eyes need to be focused on God. If we try to focus on God and the material world at the same time, we get a blurry double vision. And we need a single devotion. We have to […]

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March 10: “Audience of One” (Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18)

Since we are God’s children, we are not to practice righteousness in front of others to earn their praise. When we give, pray or fast in order to be praised by others, there will be no reward from God. We seek to be approved by God, not people. We are to live before the audience […]

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March 3: “Love Your Enemies” (Matthew 5:43-48)

We are called to love our enemies because we are to be like God. God loved us while we were His enemies and adopted us as His children. Is it possible to love our enemies? Only if we are born again into His kingdom. Only if we deny ourselves and are filled with the Holy […]

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February 24: “Out of the Saltshaker, On the Lampstand” (Matthew 5:13-16)

Jesus says that we are the salt and light. Both are beneficial to life on earth. But the salt needs to be out of the saltshaker and the lamp has to be put on its stand. We need to move out of our comfortable Christian subculture and enter into the pagan world as Jesus did.

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February 17: “Our Reward in Heaven and on Earth” (Matthew 5:1-12)

In the beatitudes and throughout his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents an ideal we should all strive toward and the reward that will be given to us. When we seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first, there is reward not only in heaven but also on earth.

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