December 5: “Two Advents of Christ” Pastor Joe Sohn

Advent is a season when we look back to Christ’s first coming and look forward to his second coming. At his first coming, the Son of God, came to earth as a baby human. As Jesus was growing up, how did he come to understand his identity and mission as the Messiah? Jesus understood them through reading of the scriptures. Reading the books of the Prophets, especially Isaiah, Jesus understood his role as the suffering servant. He knew that he had to suffer, bear the sin of humanity, and die in their place. How could he allow himself to go through such suffering? He was able to endure the cross because he looked forward to his future rewards. He looked forward to accomplishing the mission the Father has given him. He looked forward to the redemption of many people. He looked forward to his own resurrection. And he also looked forward to his second advent as the victorious king of kings. In his first Advent, Christ came to suffer, but in his second coming, he will come in power and glory to establish his everlasting kingdom.

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